Past President Ian welcomed visiting Rotarian Sally Dell and guests Jackie Beggs and Vince Dijkstra.
Secretary Graeme drew member’s attention to the Warragul Municipal Band recital at Rosehill Farm on Sunday October 30th. 10:00am – 4:00pm.
Rotarian Terry Blundell reported on his recent visit to the Bunyip-Garfield Club where he received a cheque for $400. Bunyip-Garfield in conjunction with the Bribey Island Club in Queensland have worked towards bringing fresh water some 2kms to the Pinanapatan Elementary School in the Philippines. Terry also spoke of Rotary Foundation’s Peace Initiative where two grants, one of 12 months duration in a Masters study overseas with an $80,000 grant and a certificate course of 11 weeks with an $11,000 grants were available and open to workers in emergency work fields, including those working for NGOs
Rotarian Ian Haughton asked Motorfest Committee members to check their emails for a meeting to be held at his home.
Rotarian Kevin Roberts thanked the very efficient team that cleaned up after the Big Blokes BBQ at Lardner Park last week. He said that volunteers to work on the day of the Ficifolia Festival were still needed. Kevin also encouraged members to sign up for the Ice Meltdown Project’s fundraising Trivia Night to be held on Friday November 4th. at a cost of $25, light supper provided and bring your own drinks.